Sunday, August 14, 2011

No News

Not much new today... I couldn't get my arse out of bed this morning, but once I did, Ron and I went for breakfast at a Deli. I enjoyed cold beet borsht (with a cold boiled potato side), which is surprisingly tasty! After that, I took a long nap. I'm wondering if my mono is back. That or I am just really really lazy, of late. We went for a swim with the sharks at La Jolla Shores, and in addition to sharks, saw about a million huge guitar rays. The don't sting, so they aren't too scary. I did under-water scream a couple of times though. 2-3ft is just too close for anything called 'shark' to be below my belly.

OH, I do have a bit of news. Mushrooms LaFleur decided to finally bloom! But they actually look kind of freaky and disgusting.

And, my husband is a nut-bar, but that really isn't news. He made himself a new "hat." He says that the 'yo' makes him approachable.

Kitty is awesome as ever.

Happy Sunday eve all!


  1. Is Ron planning a jaunt into the ghetto to engage in some B-Boy'ing??


  2. He might! Ron likes to cruise around and 'explore.' He once nearly ran out of gas in Compton. Oy.
