Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Not Dead

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not dead. I can't seem to find enough time in the day to do all the things I should get around to. My blog, apartment, waistline, etc., are all suffering due to my lack of attention. I'm so busy working on school stuff that my days whip past, and ACK, every time I look up its 4pm, again. 4pm means that the day is nearly over, and Ron will be home soon, and Kitty and I have to get cleaned up. 4pm comes way too fast.

Anyhow, here is a quick cell phone photo update of my recent events:

Last week we had a major power outage in San Diego. Actually it was from Orange County to Tijuana and all the way to Arizona. Ron and I had to go to the grocery store, which was partially powered by generator electricity. The line-up was enormous and took nearly an hour to get through. The guy in front of us waited that entire hour for gummy worms and beer. Wow.

Here is Kitty LaFleur with her bf Celery LaFleur.

OMG. French toast at Hash House a go go. I got to see my old  friend (our friendship is old, not her) Lorena Christensen. My favorite quote from our breakfast together: "Well, you always did attract the weirdos." And that is as true as it gets.

Here is Kitty LaFleur pretending to be a dog.

And some of my plant samples, before I paid $165 to send them away. 

And Kitty LaFleur again, just being adorable.

Oh and here is last night's Green dinner! Yum.

I gotta get back to work. Its nearly 4pm somewhere...


  1. Did you get kind of attached to your plant samples and not want to send them away for analysis, or am I the only one who experienced that one?


  2. I LOVE my samples! Ron asked why I was taking pictures of the "brown weeds." I don't get as attached to the fecal samples, which is probably a good thing.
